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The mosaics of the lower church of St. Pius of Pietrelcina in San Giovanni Rotondo

Mosaics of Marko I. Rupnik

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Place: Lower Church St. Pio of Pietrelcina
S. Giovanni Rotondo (FG)
Format: 800 x 600
DPI: 300
Compression: JPEG Progressive
Quality 70 - subsampling OFF
Amount photos: 14

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  1. Photo Religion
  2. The fabulous mosaics of Rupnik in the crypt of Saint Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo

The fabulous mosaics of Rupnik in the crypt of Saint Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo

The guide to the mosaics of the crypt of St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina

Wonderful mosaics by Marko Rupnik, guide the pilgrim towards the crypt of St. Pio of Pietrelcina in San Giovanni Rotondo.

In the lower church where it rests and is revered St. Pio of Pietrelcina, you can admire the fabulous mosaic of Rupnik. We are obviously in San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia. In this place of prayer and filled with the Capuchin spirituality and the Spirit of San Pio, the pilgrim is accompanied by a series of mosaics. They draw a parallel between St. Francis of Assisi's life with that of St. Pio of Pietrelcina. Parallel we find in the long corridor from the upper church takes us to the crypt of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina. In the crypt, a majestic mosaic which covers the entire surface, involves the pilgrim's gaze and wonder. The entire mosaic is dedicated to the life of Jesus, from his birth, through the death, until the Resurrection.

The ceiling of the crypt is a golden mosaic, the Jesuit artist Marko I. Rupnik, everything converges towards the heart of the lower church, the body of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, where he rests and is worshiped every day by thousands of pilgrims.

At the exit from the crypt, behind the central column where it is the body of Padre Pio, a mosaic depicts all the holy men and women of the Order of Capuchin Franciscans. The last is just Padre Pio blessing, greets the faithful before leaving.