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Place: Turin
Format: 800 x 600
DPI: 300
Compression: JPEG Progressive
Quality 70 - subsampling OFF
Amount photos: 15

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  1. City
  2. Italian City
  3. Turin: a city to live

Turin: a city to live

Turin is a fundamental step for today's understanding of Italy. In this city he was born the unification of Italy.

What you can still write to Turin ... In truth a lot. And it is precisely this embarrassment that is missing the word. Turin has been the capital of the Kingdom of Italy, the capital of united Italy. Turin is a fundamental piece of history to understand the Italian history. It helps to understand how it came to the process of unification.

The few shots presented in the gallery, show only an infinitesimal of what the city offers the tourist who for the first time visiting the city. Yet after so many visits, understand Torino is not possible. Because like every city in the world, must be lived to be understood.